Classic Martini

The name's Eats.. Eats&Treats

The name’s Eats.. Eats&Treats

Our first Cocktail of Cocktail Friday is.. Drum roll please..

The oh so sophisticated Classic Martini

You will need

Handful of ice

10ml/1/2 fl oz Dry Vermouth

65ml/ 2 1/2fl oz Gin

Slice of Lemon Peel or Green Olive

Place the ice into a mixing glass, pour the vermouth over the ice and stir 6 times only, just to coat the ice with the vermouth. (This is just to take the edge off the alcohol and help make the drink rounded and smooth.)

Discard the vermouth, add the gin and stir 16-18 times – any more and it will dilute the drink, any less and the flavours won’t have fully married together

Pour into a Martini glass and garnish with either a lemon twist or an olive.

Recipe Found on BBC Food